Welcome to Our Journey with a Hyperlexic 3 Child
If you found us, it's probably because you have a child or know a child who taught themselves to read under the age of 5 and appears to be on the spectrum, but just doesn't seem to quite "fit" the ASD diagnosis most doctors and therapists are trying to push. If this sounds like your situation, then you will probably find a lot of useful information here and we are thrilled to have you and help.
One of the most striking things we have noticed in our experience with these children is that when we first see them at the age of 2 or 2 1/2. they look bad. They are not able to understand language. They may use a few words but often they are echolalic. Their behavior looks autistic. However, we have found that these children emerge out of that autism. Although they may retain some aloofness or antisocial and oppositional behaviors"
Kupperman, Phyllis, Sally Bligh, and Kathy Barouski. "ERIC - Hyperlexia., 1998." ERIC - Hyperlexia., 1998. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 July 2016.
"I noted that while each of these children had been given a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder along the way, the course of that condition, and more importantly outcome, was very different and much more positive than more typical autistic spectrum disorder, Asperger's or PDD/NOS or whatever diagnosis had been assigned. Essentially these children did 'outgrow' those more ominous diagnoses and were now generally very bright and successful neurotypical children, adolescents or adults. What had occurred is that in the evaluation process there was the failure to sort out "autistic like" symptoms from Autistic Spectrum Disorder"
-Darold Treffert from his article "Oops! When "Autism" Isn t Autistic Disorder: Hyperlexia and Einstein Syndrome"
"The primary reason for developing a specific diagnostic category for hyperlexia is to assure that hyperlexia is well understood so that appropriate treatment strategies can be developed. In our experience in speech and language therapy with these children, it is crucial that the reading skill be employed as a primary means of developing language. Reading can also be used for behavioral management and for assisting the child in understanding classroom routine. Because precocious reading is not expected in a child who exhibits a language disorder and aberrant behaviors, it is often regarded as a "splinter skill" and is not exploited as a means
for learning. "
Kupperman, Phyllis, Sally Bligh, and Kathy Barouski. "ERIC - The Syndrome of Hyperlexia vs. High Functioning Autism and Asperger's Syndrome., 1992." N.p., n.d. Web. 05 July 2016.